Online Lessons

Online Lessons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/21/21 Parable of Two Eagles (Lesson 07 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-11-21-1_-_Parable_of_Two_Eagles_Lesson_07_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_David_Smelser.pdf 2021-11-21-1_-_Parable_of_Two_Eagles_Lesson_07_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_David_Smelser.MP3
11/17/21 Hezekiah (Lesson 06 of 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Nicholas Crim Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-11-17-1_-_Hezekiah_Lesson_06_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Nick_Crim.pdf 2021-11-17-1_-_Hezekiah_Lesson_06_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Nick_Crim.MP3
11/14/21 Lessons from the Wilderness Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-11-14-2_-_Lessons_from_the_Wilderness_-_Tim_Smelser.pdf 2021-11-14-2_-_Lessons_from_the_Wilderness_-_Tim_Smelser.MP3
11/14/21 The Lord’s Faithless Bride (Lesson 06 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-11-14-1_-_The_Lords_Faithless_Bride_Lesson_06_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser_.pdf 2021-11-14-1_-_The_Lords_Faithless_Bride_Lesson_06_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser_.MP3
11/10/21 How To Have The Best Marriage (Lesson 06 of 06) - A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Evening 2021-11-10-1_-_How_To_Have_The_Best_Marriage_Lesson_06_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf 2021-11-10-1_-_How_To_Have_The_Best_Marriage_Lesson_06_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.MP3
11/09/21 Honor The Woman (Lesson 05 of 06) - A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Evening 2021-11-09-1_-_Honor_The_Woman_Lesson_05_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.mp3 2021-11-09-1__-_Honor_The_Woman_Lesson_05_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf
11/08/21 Marriage As A Spiritual Covenant (Lesson 04 of 06) Part 2 - A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Evening 2021-11-08-1_-_Marriage_As_A_Spiritual_Covenant_Lesson_04_of_06_-_Part_2_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.MP3 2021-11-08-1_-_Marriage_As_A_Spiritual_Covenant_Lesson_04_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter-1636432007.pdf
11/08/21 Marriage As A Spiritual Covenant (Lesson 04 of 06) Part 1- A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Evening 2021-11-08-1_-_Marriage_As_A_Spiritual_Covenant_Lesson_04_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf 2021-11-08-1_-_Marriage_As_A_Spiritual_Covenant_Lesson_04_of_06_-_Part_1-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.MP3
11/07/21 A Marriage that Works (Lesson 03 of 06) - Meeting Each Others Needs - A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Evening 2021-11-07-3_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Meeting_Each_Others_Needs_Lesson_03_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf 2021-11-07-3_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Meeting_Each_Others_Needs_Lesson_03_of_06_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God_-_Brent_Hunter.mp3
11/07/21 A Marriage that Works (Lesson 02 of 06)- Overcoming Love Busters - A Marriage that Glorifies God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Worship 2021-11-07-2_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Overcoming_Love_Busters_Lesson_02_of_06_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf 2021-11-07-2_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Overcoming_Love_Busters_Lesson_02_of_06_-_Brent_Hunter.mp3
11/07/21 A Marriage that Works (Lesson 01 of 06) - Keeping Love Alive - A Marriage that Glories God Brent Hunter Special Series 2021 Fall Gospel Meeting - A Marriage that Glorifies God Gospel Meeting - Class 2021-11-07-1_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Keeping_Love_Alive_Lesson_01_of_06_-_Brent_Hunter.pdf 2021-11-07-1_-_A_Marriage_that_Works_-_Keeping_Love_Alive_Lesson_01_of_06_-_Brent_Hunter.mp3
11/03/21 Nehemiah (Lesson 05 of 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Matt Andrews Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-11-3-1_-_Nehemiah_Lesson_05_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Matt_Andrews.pdf 2021-11-3-1_-_Nehemiah_Lesson_05_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Matt_Andrews.MP3
10/31/21 Caterpillar or Butterfly Jimmy Marquis Jr Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-10-31-2_-_Caterpillar_or_Butterfly_Jimmy_Marquis.MP3
10/31/21 Exile Acted Out (Lesson 05 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile - (David Smelser) David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-10-31-1_-_Exile_Acted_Out_Lesson_05_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-31-1_-_Exile_Acted_Out_Lesson_05_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.MP3
10/27/21 Joshua (Lesson 04 of 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Jimmy Marquis Jr Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-10-27-1_-_Joshua_Lesson_04_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Jimmy_Marquis.pdf 2021-10-27-1_-_Joshua_Lesson_04_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Jimmy_Marquis.MP3
10/24/21 The Purpose of the Church Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-10-24-1_-_Purpose_of_the_Church_Tim_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-24-1_-_Purpose_of_the_Church_Tim_Smelser.MP3
10/24/21 Glory of the Lord leaves the temple (Lesson 04 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-10-24-1_-_Glory_of_the_Lord_leaves_the_temple_Lesson_04_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-24-1_-_Glory_of_the_Lord_leaves_the_temple_Lesson_04_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.MP3
10/20/21 Joseph (Lesson 03 of 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-10-20-1_-_Joseph_Lesson_03_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Tim_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-20-1_-_Joseph_Lesson_03_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Tim_Smelser.MP3
10/17/21 Trusting God in Time of Need Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-10-17-1_-_Trusting_God_in_Time_of_Need_Tim_Smelser.MP3 2021-10-17-1_-_Trusting_God_in_Time_of_Need_Tim_Smelser.pdf
10/17/21 Judgment on Jerusalem (Lesson 03 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-10-17-1_-_Ezekiel_4-7_Lesson_03_of_12_-_Judgment_on_Jerusalem_-_David_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-17-1_-_Ezekiel_4-7_Lesson_03_of_12_-_Judgment_on_Jerusalem_-_David_Smelser.mp3
10/13/21 Jacob (Lesson 02 of 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Tom Palmer Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-10-13-1_-_Jacob__Lesson_02_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Tom_Palmer.pdf 2021-10-13-1_-_Jacob__Lesson_02_of_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives_-_Tom_Palmer.MP3
10/10/21 Encourage One Another Seth Buchanan Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-10-10-2_-_Encourage_One_Another_Seth_Buchanan.pdf 2021-10-10-2_-_Encourage_One_Another_Seth_Buchanan.MP3
10/10/21 Ezekiel’s call - Ezekiel as a watchman (Lesson 02 of 13) - Prophet & Priest in Exile David Smelser Bible Class Class: Ezekiel - Prophet & Priest in Exile Sunday Bible Class 2021-10-10-1_-_Ezekiels_call_-_Ezekiel_as_a_watchman_Lesson_-02_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.pdf 2021-10-10-1_-_Ezekiels_call_-_Ezekiel_as_a_watchman_Lesson_-02_of_12_-_Prophet__Priest_in_Exile_-_David_Smelser.MP3
10/06/21 Abraham (Lesson 01 0f 12) - Men of the Bible - God's Impact on their Lives Ken Buchanan Bible Class Class: Men of the Bible: God's Impact on their Lives Wednesday Bible Class 2021-10-06-1_-_Abraham_Lesson_01_0f_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Ken_Buchanan.pdf 2021-10-06-1_-_Abraham_Lesson_01_0f_12_-_Men_of_the_Bible_-_Gods_Impact_on_their_Lives-_Ken_Buchanan.MP3
10/03/21 Song of Solomon Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2021-10-03-1_-_Song_of_Solomon_-_Tim_Smelser.MP3 2021-10-03-1_-_Song_of_Solomon_-_Tim_Smelser.pdf

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