Online Lessons

Online Lessons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/03/19 Confidence in Christ (Lesson 12 of 12) Dennis Whitney Bible Class Class: Paul’s Prison Epistles Wednesday Bible Class 2019-07-03-1 - Confidence in Christ - (Dennis Whitney).mp3
06/30/19 Persever Andy McClish Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-06-30-2 - Persever - (Andy McClish).mp3
06/30/19 General Exhortation (Lesson 13 of 13) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-06-30-1 - General Exhortation (Lesson 12 of 12) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/29/19 Make Me a Servant - Saul of Tarsus and Ananias Tim Smelser Special Series 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Make Me a Servant VBS 2019-06-29-1 - Saul of Tarsus and Ananias - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/28/19 Make Me a Servant - Washing the Disciples Feet Tim Smelser Special Series 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Make Me a Servant VBS 2019-06-28-1 - Washing The Disciples Feet - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/27/19 Make Me a Servant - Zacchaeus Tim Smelser Special Series 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Make Me a Servant VBS 2019-06-27-1 - Zacchaeus - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/26/19 Make Me a Servant - The Good Samaritan Tim Smelser Special Series 2019 Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Make Me a Servant VBS 2019-06-26-1 - The Good Samaritan - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/23/19 The Distinctiveness of the Church David Jamieson Sermon Sunday Evening Service Sunday PM Lesson 2019-06-23-3 - The Distinctiveness of the Church - (Dave Jamieson).mp3
06/23/19 People of the House of the Lord Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-06-23-2 - People of the House of the Lord - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/23/19 Enduring Difficult Times (Lesson 12 of 13) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-06-23-1 - Enduring Difficult Times (Lesson 12 of 13) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/19/19 Suffering in Christ (Lesson 11 of 12) Dennis Whitney Bible Class Class: Paul’s Prison Epistles Wednesday Bible Class 2019-06-19-1 - Suffering in Christ (Lesson 11 of 12) - (Dennis Whitney).mp3
06/16/19 Hold Fast without Compromise Butch Zablan Sermon Sunday Evening Service Sunday PM Lesson 2019-06-16-3 - Hold Fast without Compromise - (Butch Zablan).mp3
06/16/19 When I Survey the Cross Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-06-16-2 - When I Survey the Cross - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/16/19 Faith Defined and Demonstrated (Lesson 11 of 13) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-06-16-1 - Faith Displayed and Demonstrated (Lesson 11 of 13) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/12/19 Phillippians City & Church Beginnings (Lesson 10 of 12) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Paul’s Prison Epistles Wednesday Bible Class 2019-06-12-1 - Introduction to Philippians (Lesson 10 of 12) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/09/19 The Day of Small Things David Smelser Sermon Sunday Evening Service Sunday PM Lesson 2019-06-09-3 - The Day of Small Things - (David Smelser).mp3
06/09/19 Obeying What We Believe Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-06-09-2 - Obeying What We Believe - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/09/19 Peril of Rejection (Lesson 10 of 13) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-06-09-1 - Peril of Rejection (Lesson 10 of 13) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/05/19 The Christian Walk (Lesson 09 of 12) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Paul’s Prison Epistles Wednesday Bible Class 2019-06-05-1 - The Christian Walk - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/02/19 Jesus Our Refuge of Hope Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Evening Service Sunday PM Lesson 2019-06-02-3 - Jesus Our Refuge of Hope - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/02/19 Why We Believe What We Believe Tim Smelser Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-06-02-2 - Why We Believe What We Believe - (Tim Smelser).mp3
06/02/19 Jesus: The Better Sacrifice (Lesson 09 of 13) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-06-02-1 - Jesus The Better Sacrifice (Lesson 09 of 13) - (Tim Smelser).mp3
05/29/19 Mystery of God's Plan (Lesson 08 of 12) Tim Smelser Bible Class Class: Paul’s Prison Epistles Wednesday Bible Class 2019-05-29-1_-_Mystery_of_Gods_Plan_-_Tim_Smelser.mp3
05/26/19 A Christian's Roll In Politics Seth Buchanan Sermon Sunday Morning Service Sunday AM Lesson 2019-05-26-2 - A Christian's Roll In Politics - (Seth Buchanan).mp3
05/26/19 The Better Covenant (Lesson 08 of 13) Andy McClish Bible Class Class: Hebrews - The Word of Exhortation Sunday Bible Class 2019-05-26-1 - The Better Covenant - Lesson 08 of 13 - (Andy McClish).mp3

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